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Kon Tum’s provincial capital is Kon Tum city, Ho Chi Minh City 654 km to the North, away from the city Da Nang 320 km to the South and far from the capital Hanoi 1,237 km to the South. Kon Tum Province is located at the confluence of Indochina, mostly in the West Truong Son range, geographical location:
Kon Tum is also the 8th largest province out of 63 province of Vietnam.
Kon Tum’s terrain is mainly mountainous, occupying about 2/5 area province, including mountains with a slope of 150 or more[7]. Terrain mountain and mountain range published mainly in north – northwest run to east Kon Tum Province, diverse with hills, mountains, highlands and alternating lowlands quite complex, creating rich and diverse landscapes that are both specific to the sub-region and interwoven and integrated, Kon Tum has altitude average from 500 meters to 700 meters, especially in the North, the altitude is from 800 meters – 1,200 meters, especially with peaks Ngoc Linh the highest with a height of 2,596 meters.
Kon Tum is located on the Kon Tum uplift, so it is very diverse in structure geology and minerals. In the area, there are 21 stratigraphic units and 19 magma complexes that have been established by research geologists, a series of mineral types such as iron, chromium, gold, refractory material, < a title=”Gem” href=””>gem, semi-precious, metals radioactive, rare earths, raw materials manufacturing building materials,… detected.
Kon Tum forest is mostly primeval forest with many precious timbers such as rosewood a>, shape of incense, po mu, through… Kon Tum province has more than 300 species plants, belonging to more than 180 genera and 75 families of flowering plants. Animals This place is also very rich, diverse, in there are many rare species, including birds with 165 species, 40 families, 13 orders, all birds. Mammals have 88 species, 26 families, 10 orders, accounting for 88% of mammal species in Tay Nguyen. In addition to mammals, Kon Tum also has many precious birds that need to be protected such as peacocks, star hemorrhoids, purple pheasant and striped pheasant.
Kon Tum conditionally forms the gateway</ a>, expand cooperation international</a > about west. Kon Tum has a road Highway 14 connect with provinces Highland and Quang Nam, road 40 to Atopu (Laos).
Period from year 2001 to year 2010, structure economics progressive fundamental transformation, industry construction reached 32 %, agriculture, forestry 25%, services 43%, GDP per capita reached 507 USD, investment capital need for the whole period is 476.6 million USD. Export Status import to year < a title=”2010″ href=”″>2010 reached 70 million USD. Also year 2010 has 50,000 hits tourist, including 10,000 guests foreign</ a>.[22]< /a>
In 2012, the second year of implementing the Resolution of the 14th Kon Tum Provincial Party Congress. Speed economic growth reached 13.77% compared to the whole country[23][24]. In it, the industries agriculture – forestry – aquaculture 7.3% increase, industry industry – construction 17.49% increase, industry services up 18.34% and CPI up 9, 88%. Taxbudget locally reached VND 1,632.2 billion , 0.5% higher than the plan. Rate labor</a > through training reached 38.2%, and created jobs for about 6,200 labor, contributing to reduction unemployment rate down below 5%. Per capita income reached 22.12 million VND, and the poverty rate decreased to 22.77%.[23][25]</sup >
Estimated by the end of the year 2012, the province has 13,794 cooperative, up 504 year over year 2011. Average Revenue of Cooperative< /a> year 2012estimated 1.74 billion VND/cooperative/Year, Average profit of cooperative pass 370.87 million VND/cooperative/year. Average income of members cooperative is estimated at 18.26 million VND/member/year. Income of labor</ a> frequently in the cooperative , Union of Cooperatives estimated at 17.83 million VND/labor/year.[26]
Kon Tum Province has promoted the development of industries economics spearheads and key products of the province such as Ngoc Linh Ginseng, cold vegetables and flowers, raising sturgeon, salmon… associated with finding markets for consumption. Province strives in 2013, tax state budget In the area reached over 1,830 billion VND and turnover exports over 100 million USD.[25][27]
According to the 2020 statistics, Kon Tum province has an area of 9,674.18 km², population in 2020 is 561,742 people[31], population density reaches 58 persons/km².
According to survey results date April 1 year 1999, Kon Tum province has 316,600 people. The province has 25 ethnicity< /a>, of which the largest is Ethnic Kinh there are 145,681 people, accounting for 46.36%. The ethnicity Minority groups include Xo Dang ethnic group has 78,741 people, accounting for 25.05%. Ba Na ethnic group there are 37,519 people, accounting for 37,519 people 11.94%. The Gie-Trieng ethnic group has 25,463 people, accounting for 8.1%. Gia Rai ethnic group has 15,887 people, accounting for 5.05%. the ethnicity other accounts for 3.5 %[22].
As of April 1, 2019, the population of Kon Tum province reached 540,438 people, the population density reached 55 people/km²[32].In which, the population living in urban areas reaches nearly 172,712 people, accounting for 32% of the population. provincewide number[33]< /a>, the population living in rural areas reaches 367,726 people, accounting for 68% of the population[34]. Male population reached 271,619 people[ 35], while women reached 268,819 people[36]. Natural increase in population by locality increased by 2.28 ‰[37] The urbanization rate by 2022 will reach 35%. This is also the least populous province in the region Highland with more than 540,000 inhabitants.
According to the statistics of the General Statistics Office Vietnam, as of date April 1 year 2009, the whole province of Kon Tum has 42 ethnicity living with foreigners. Where ethnicity</a > Kinh yes 201,153 person, the Xo Dang there are 104,759 people, people Ba Na has 53,997 people, The Gie Trieng there are 31,644 people, Gia Rai people there are 20,606 people, Muong people have 5,386 people, Thai people have 4,249 people, Tay people have 2,630 people, and other ethnic minorities like Nung, Hrê, Brau, Ro Mam[38]…
As of date April 1 year 2019, Kon Tum Province has 5 Religion different 262,856 people. Among them, the most are Catholic there are 218,511 people, Buddhism 26,012 people, Protestant there are 17,744 people, with other religions like Cao Dai 499 people, Bahá’í Faith there are 15 people, Dharma of Four Kinds of Goodness there are four people, the last is Islam only one person.
Yes national road 14, national road 14C, national road 24, qu
Mang Den town is located in the south of the district Kon Plong, on Mang Den Plateau, at an altitude of approx. 1200 meters above sea level. The town has national road 24 go past, located away from city Kon Tum about 50 km northeast and away from the city Quang Ngai about 140 km to the southwest. Mang Den has geographical location:
Tourism, commercial and industrial services are the fields calling for investment with large-scale projects. The city clearly identifies investment attraction as a driving force for the local socio-economic development.
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